Posts Tagged ‘metal clothes hamper’

A little trip to the Paris Street Market last Saturday brought a new vintage gem into my apartment. I can’t contain my excitement! My old nightstand was pretty beat up and needed to be replaced.

I came up with an idea the other day when a new antique store opened up a block from my work. Use a vintage metal clothes hamper as a nightstand! It was the perfect height and could store extra blankets or pillows. The only problem, it was $50. I couldn’t justify spending that much. Sorry antique store, I am also thriftey Katey.

After walking around in the hot sun on Saturday, I found this pink metal clothes hamper for $20. Sold! It was in near perfect condition with hardly any scratches. When I got home, I pulled out my fabric totes and covered the lid with a teal green cotton fabric. Nothing fancy, just a little glue gun action.

Now, my bedroom jumps into an even more girly category and I just can’t complain.

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